Mitch Joel - Six Pixels

Mitch Joel

When brands like Google, Starbucks, Shopify and GE want to leverage technology to better connect with their consumers, they call Mitch Joel. He has been called “one of North America’s leading visionaries” by Strategy Magazine. Mitch Joel is Founder of Six Pixels Group – an advisory, investing and content producing company that is focused on brands, commerce, community and what’s next. Prior to Six Pixels Group, Mitch spent close to two decades building, running and selling his agency to WPP. He was most recently President of Mirum – a global marketing agency operating in 25 countries with close to 3000 employees.

Check out Mitch’s: Website, LinkedIn

A Fireside Chat

I had the opportunity to have an amazing conversation with Mitch Joel at Six Pixels today. From talking about SEO for Websites, Mitch agreed to a quick interview.

He took the time to talk to me and answer some questions so I could get to know him better and hear more about the things that have helped shape his business success to date – let’s get stuck into it!

What Is The Book (Or Books) You’ve Given Most As A Gift, And Why?

Latest book that I love/am gifting: Work by James Suzman.

What Purchase Of $100 Or Less Has Most Positively Impacted Your Life In The Last Six Months?

The Pocket App. Game-changer for saving, organizing and reading content online.

When You Feel Overwhelmed Or Unfocused, Or Have Lost Your Focus Temporarily, What Do You Do?

Take a walk up to the Westmount Summit and get lost in the woods (see my IG for proof).

What are bad recommendations you hear in your profession or area of expertise?

“You should never…”

Be like a pitbull. Do not let go.

- Mitch Joel

In the last five years, what new belief, behavior, or habit has most improved your life?

Daily walks… outdoors… in silence… or someone smart via a podcast.

What Is One Of The Best Or Most Worthwhile Investments You’ve Ever Made?

The investment in building my network. If you don’t know where to start, check out Keith Ferrazzi’s book, Never Eat Alone.

If you could have a gigantic billboard anywhere with anything on it — what would it say and why?

I’ll steal the ad copy from a famed The Economist print ad: “Would you like to sit next to you at a dinner party?”

What careers advice would you give to your 21-year old self?

Be like a pitbull. Do not let go. Most errors happen when someone lets go, stops or quits too soon. Be sure to read The Dip by Seth Godin.

How has a failure, or apparent failure, set you up for later success? Do you have a “favourite failure” of yours?

A good friend of mine (now) used to be my boss. He fired me. At the time? Terrible. In hindsight? It was the best thing that ever happened to me. It made me realize that being self-employed and then an entrepreneur was the path for me. No looking back. I couldn’t love him more for firing me 🙂

What advice would you give to a smart, driven college student about to enter the “real world”? What advice should they ignore?

Don’t let school get in the way of your education. Never stop learning. Never stop being a student. Always be reading. Always be studying. Always be doing homework.

Tell Us About Your Business. What Does It Do And What Value Do You Add?

I speak. I write. I podcast. I appear on the radio. I invest. I advise. I’m working on a startup. All of that happens at the intersection of brands, consumers and technology.

What is the most significant thing that someone much younger than yourself has taught you?

It doesn’t matter what industry you are in, it’s a young person’s world. So if you can’t be young… act young. Tagging on to that: ask great questions.

Tell us about someone you admire and why you admire them?

It’s well-known: Seth Godin. I even wrote him a public love letter a while back.

What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?

Can’t think of one… which tells you more about how I lead my life.

Where do you see your industry in the next 5 years?

Right here waiting for you. Creating newer and more fascinating ways for consumers to be connected to brands.

What is a 'hack' you have for success that most people don't know about?

ugh… no like the word “hack.”

What's your favourite digital marketing channel and why?

I don’t really follow any particular digital marketing channels these days.

What is a useful skill someone could learn in one minute?

Turning off all of their notifications. It will change everything.

When did you first become a rebel?

It started young. 1983. I saw the US Festival – Metal Day on TV (or video) and that was it. A metalhead from that moment forward!

What's your favourite colour?

Have you never seen me? Black. None blacker.

How has Covid-19 changed your industry?

All of my talks on stage are now done via Zoom. Doesn’t get much more “changed” than that.

How has Covid-19 changed your company?

See above. All virtual… all the time.

What is the most surprising thing you've seen in your industry?

People being extremely rude or inconsiderate and thinking no one notices.

What popular celebrity do you admire the most and why?

No one comes to mind… maybe that says something?

What's your favourite holiday destination?

Sunny Isles, Florida… I am a simple human being.

What's something exciting you're currently working on/learning that only a few people know about?

I have a new startup that’s about to heat up (I hope… I think…)

What one thing in life do you consider to be overrated?

Caring about celebrities.

What's your star sign?


What are you NOT Very Good at?


What did you have for breakfast this morning?

Yogurt, granola and fancy coffee.

What one song can you listen to every day non-stop?

All Your Favorite Bands by Dawes.

Check Out Mitch's Company Profiles:

About Us

Pearl Lemon are an SEO, PPC, PR, and B2B lead-generation agency. We are based in London but service clients around the world.

We have taken the time to interview entrepreneurs and experts (like Mitch) in this new series.

About the Author