Carissa Bub -
Team Coaching Zone

Carissa Bub

You said short Carissa Bub is a coach, leadership developer, podcaster and speaker. She works with leaders and senior teams worldwide to build bigger and better relationships and think in more creative and collaborative ways about their challenges. She also offers advanced workshops to coaches in storytelling for change and co-coach mastery. Carissa is a founder in the niche leadership development and communication consultancy, Bubworks and podcast host of The Team Coaching Zone. She has a Masters from University College London in Psychoanalytic Developmental Psychology and a Postgraduate Diploma in Broadcast Journalism.

A Fireside Chat

I had the opportunity to have an amazing conversation with Carissa Bub at Team Coaching Zone today. From talking about SEO for teaching sites, Carissa agreed to a quick interview.

She took the time to talk to me and answer some questions so I could get to know her better and hear more about the things that have helped shape her business success to date – let’s get stuck into it!

What Is The Book (Or Books) You’ve Given Most As A Gift, And Why?

Oh, The Places You’ll Go! It is simple and profound, has pictures, rhymes (poetry), and makes me and every one I read it or share it with a smile. Books influenced my life: Viktor Frankl, Man’s Search of Meaning, Alice in Wonderland, Tuesdays with Morrie.

What Purchase Of $100 Or Less Has Most Positively Impacted Your Life In The Last Six Months?

JADE travel yoga mat found on

When You Feel Overwhelmed Or Unfocused, Or Have Lost Your Focus Temporarily, What Do You Do?

Lie on the floor or go for a walk. I don’t ask questions, but focus on my breath.

What are bad recommendations you hear in your profession or area of expertise?

I don’t!

do whatever it takes to learn to learn to love.

- Carissa Bub

In the last five years, what new belief, behavior, or habit has most improved your life?

Ashtanga yoga, making it a daily discipline six days a week, respecting a day of rest 🙂 and listening to my partner Sean with a keener ear.

What Is One Of The Best Or Most Worthwhile Investments You’ve Ever Made?

Getting my own coach to kick my butt and take me around the world on adventures that would challenge my fears and ways of seeing the world.

If you could have a gigantic billboard anywhere with anything on it — what would it say and why?

Bring joy!

What careers advice would you give to your 21-year old self?

Explore wider, take a full year off to explore yourself and really seek masters to learn from.

How has a failure, or apparent failure, set you up for later success? Do you have a “favourite failure” of yours?

Big time, TEDx talk in front of 1000 people, no-one else seems to think it was a failure, but to me, I didn’t laugh, I was too serious, albeit for justifiable reasons but that’s not being a pro.

What advice would you give to a smart, driven college student about to enter the “real world”? What advice should they ignore?

Advice: do whatever it takes to learn to learn to love.

Ignore: man-up

Tell Us About Your Business. What Does It Do And What Value Do You Add?

Well, I’m here representing the Team Coaching Zone of which I’m a partner, I have another coaching and leadership development consultancy specialising in engagement and communication. Bubworks helps companies to be more human and the TCZ podcast which I host helps team coaches to learn, hear stories from the field and think about the wider ecosystemic challenges which they might want to engage to support global collaboration on the greatest issues of our time.

What is the most significant thing that someone much younger than yourself has taught you?

How to stop biting my nails!

Tell us about someone you admire and why you admire them?

I admire many people. What they all have in common is a discipline in being themselves without catering to what others think while also remaining kind and open to listen.

What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?

Artist – photojournalist; expansion of keynote speaking (which I do a little of these days), community property developer to reinvent local neighbourhoods.

Where do you see your industry in the next 5 years?

AI and online.

What is a 'hack' you have for success that most people don't know about?

Be still and relax your feet. It helps you to breathe and connect.

What is a useful skill someone could learn in one minute?


What one song can you listen to every day non-stop?

One Hundred Thousand Angels

What's your favourite holiday destination?

A Greek island.

What's your favourite colour?

Coming home.

How has Covid-19 changed your industry?


How has Covid-19 changed your company?


What is the most surprising thing you've seen in your industry?

Not yet!

What's something exciting you're currently working on/learning that only a few people know about?

Becoming a Master Coach.

What are you NOT Very Good at?

Many many things!!!!

What's your star sign?


What did you have for breakfast this morning?

Half a pear (organic from the farmers market) handful of muesli and oat milk and a handful of nuts with a homemade soya americano (proud of that)

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Half a pear (organic from the farmers market) handful of muesli and oat milk and a handful of nuts with a home made soya americano (proud of that)

About Us

Pearl Lemon are an SEO, PPC, PR, and B2B lead-generation agency. We are based in London but service clients around the world.

We have taken the time to interview entrepreneurs and experts (like Carissa) in this new series.

About the Author