Michael Levitt - Breakfast Leadership

Michael Levitt

Michael Levitt is the founder & Chief Burnout Officer of The Breakfast Leadership Network, a San Diego and Toronto-based burnout media firm. He is an in-person and Certified Virtual Speaker, a Certified NLP and CBT Therapist, a Fortune 500 consultant, and author of the new book BURNOUT PROOF. Michael hosts the Breakfast Leadership Show, a top 200 global podcast on iTunes. Michael’s A Top 20 Global Thought Leader on HR & Culture with Thinkers360. and a former Healthcare executive, overseeing $ 2 Billion budgets.

A Fireside Chat

I had the opportunity to have an amazing conversation with Michael Levitt at Breakfast Leadership today. From talking about SEO for eCommerce sites, Michael agreed to a quick interview.

He took the time to talk to me and answer some questions so I could get to know him better and hear more about the things that have helped shape his business success to date – let’s get stuck into it!

What Is The Book (Or Books) You’ve Given Most As A Gift, And Why?

369 Days: How To Survive A Year of Worst-Case Scenarios. This book chronicles what could happen when you don’t address burnout in your life.

What Purchase Of $100 Or Less Has Most Positively Impacted Your Life In The Last Six Months?

Bluetooth sleep headphones/sleepmask. (Find it here)

It allows me to listen to soothing sounds, sporting events, etc, and fall asleep without disturbing others with the sounds.

When You Feel Overwhelmed Or Unfocused, Or Have Lost Your Focus Temporarily, What Do You Do?

I schedule everything on my digital calendar. I also color code the calendar, using my favorite color (blue) for my self-care items. If I over commit myself, I start adding more “blue time” to get back into a better rhythm.

What Are Bad Recommendations You Hear In Your Profession Or Area Of Expertise?

Work harder to get through your challenges. Fill up your days with activities. There needs to be blank space in every one of your days, so you can use that time to reflect, day dream, rest.

In the last five years, what new belief, behavior, or habit has most improved your life?

Prioritizing my self care FIRST. Work will have no problem finding time on your schedule, and filling it up fast. Self care needs to be scheduled FIRST.

What Is One Of The Best Or Most Worthwhile Investments You’ve Ever Made?

Learning how to schedule my time, matching up activities with my energy levels during the day.

Boundaries or Burnout: You Make The Choice. Burnout is a choice. Choose Differently.

- Michael Levitt

How Has A Failure, Or Apparent Failure, Set You Up For Later Success?

My 369 Days of worst-case scenarios (heart attack, job loss, car repossession, home foreclosure, all in a year) was a year of personal failures and setbacks. It helped me reinvent myself, and launch my new career.

What Advice Would You Give To A Smart, Driven College Student About To Enter The “Real World”? What Advice Should They Ignore?

Self care is a MUST. Schedule your self care first, and do something every day that you enjoy doing. Ignore the “hard work” will get you to the top. Hard, foolish work will cause you mental and physical harm. Better to work efficiently and smart.

What is the most significant thing that someone much younger than yourself has taught you?

Being a people pleaser will do you more harm than good.

Tell Us About Your Business. What Does It Do And What Value Do You Add?

Breakfast Leadership provides burnout prevention consulting to organizations, conferences, and individuals. Burnout is rising across the globe, ruining lives and organizations, and it can be prevented.

What Careers Advice Would You Give To Your 21-Year Old Self?

Learn new things, but maintain a better work-life harmony.

What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?

Bass musician.

Where do you see your industry in the next 5 years?

I wish I would see burnout prevention as no longer needed, but I anticipate burnout prevention will still be in great demand.

Tell Us About Someone You Admire And Why You Admire Them?

Winston Churchill. I see him as a reluctant leader, but bold enough to stand up for what he felt was right, no matter what opinions others had of him.

What Is A 'Hack' You Have For Success That Most People Don't Know About?

Color code your calendar. Use your favorite color for your “me” time (aka self care time). Look forward and back on your schedule, and if you don’t see enough of your favorite color, adjust your schedule.

What is a useful skill someone could learn in one minute?

Breathing techniques.

How has Covid-19 changed your industry?

A ton more virtual speaking, which as a podcaster I was well prepared for this pivot.

How has Covid-19 changed your company?

My business has grown quite a bit during the pandemic. Significant increase in speaking engagements and working with clients.

What Is The Most Surprising Thing You've Seen In Your Industry?

The overwhelming need for burnout prevention.

What popular celebrity do you admire the most and why?

None in particular, other than celebrities that help humanity without boasting about it

What one song can you listen to every day non-stop?

Let Me Take You There – Sammy Hagar and the Wabos

What one thing in life do you consider to be overrated?

Hollywood actors.

What's your favourite holiday destination?

San Diego.

What's your favourite colour?


What are you NOT Very Good at?

Saying no, but I’m getting much better at it.

What's your star sign?


What did you have for breakfast this morning?

Scrambled eggs and corned beef hash.

Check Out Michael's Company Profiles:

About Us

Pearl Lemon are an SEO, PPC, PR, and B2B lead-generation agency. We are based in London but service clients around the world.

We have taken the time to interview entrepreneurs and experts (like Michael’s) in this new series.

About the Author