I had the opportunity to have an amazing conversation with Craig Smith at Trinity today. I first got in touch with Craig to discuss optimisation for eCommerce and Craig just had so much to say.
He took the time to talk to me and answer some questions so I could get to know him better and hear more about the things that have helped shape his business success to date – let’s get stuck into it!
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill has had the most impact on my life in business. The stories and details about the men who made American business and their trials and tribulations is a must read for any entrepreneur.
Starting my company and the sweat equity that it took to get it off the ground.
When I get overwhelmed I try and centre my attention back to the breath. Doing so makes me see that what I am getting stressed about is absolutely minuscule in the big picture and I am able to refocus.
My favourite is when I spilled coffee on a target client at a networking event. That mishap sparked a conversation that led to a 175k+ a year account!
Writing out my day, by far. Each morning I outline my entire day to the minute and by doing so I am able to be more productive.
Do or do not – there is no “try”. My favourite quote that I live by from Master Yoda in Star Wars!
It reminds me that my psychology when I face any obstacle or problem is the only thing that limits progress.
We are an eCommerce optimisation agency; essentially we help retailers grow their online sales faster.
Start your business sooner!
Victor Frankel, the author of Man’s Search for Meaning. This book is all about the experience of the Holocaust and how the mind helped him get through the horror of his situation. He is the epitome of courage.
Continuing to grow and innovate. COVID really sped up eCommerce adoption and it will never be back to the pre-COVID levels in terms of online sales and adoption.
That big companies still can’t get technical SEO right. The amount of broken SEO out there represents a great competitive advantage to those who get it right.
Pearl Lemon are an SEO, PPC, PR, and B2B lead-generation agency. We are based in London but service clients around the world.
We have taken the time to interview entrepreneurs and experts (like Craig) in this new series.
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